- characteristics of current DAs
- premium pattern - SPDA & FPDA
- load structure - FEL, BEL (SC) or combo. BEL most common
- surrender Value - typically prems rec'd + credited int - prior partial w/d - SC
- typically has 10-15% free partial w/d provision
- int guarantee structure - guaranteed for a year or less subject to floor.
- based on co experience and competitive considerations
- sometimes guaranteed longer (SPDA products)
- taxable nature - tax-qual or nontax-qual.
- tax-qual deposits deductible on taxes
- both - int not taxed until w/d
- all w/d taxed to extent not previously taxed
- features
- db = max(fund value, prems paid)
- bailout - SC waived if actual rate credited falls below a set limit
- MVA annuities - normally SPDAs
- if early surr, SC and MVA
- adjustment normally defined in contract
- bonus annuities - either extra $ added to fund value or bonus int rate - typically 1st year only
- two-tiered annuities - one int rate for accum to annuitizaton, one rate for accum to surrender
Accounting Model Classification
- older annuities fall under f60 - issued before F97, prems fixed by contract, int guarantees and benefits bundled (similar to trad life)
- prems considered revenue
- reserves calced vial NLP
- DAC amortized w/r to premium revenue
- most modern DAs dont qualify for F60 for 2 reasons
- product features unbundled - excess int, expense charges & SC explicitly defined by contract
- prems not fixed - can be varied w/o insurer consent (w/in contract limits)
- to classify properly, need to know
- accum and payout phase - single contract or two contracts
- if contract contains significant mort guarantees
- significant sources of revenue other than investment of contractholder funds
- "significant" mort risk - generally disregard the presence of guaranteed purchase options in DA contracts as significant mort risk
- usually defined as an Investment Contract
- AICPA Practice Bulletin 8 reinforces thinking - most DAs either F97 or F91
Benefit Reserves
- F97 for Investment Contracts
- generally use UL guidance for defining reserves and DAC asset
- liab for policy benfit = account value
- + amounts assessed for future services (fees, FELs)(URL)
- + previously assessed amounts refundable at termination [seldom applicable to DAs]
- + any probably loss (prem def)[n/a to inv contracts]
- URL accrues in direct proportoin to gross profits
- accrual s/b made for int bonuses (& accrual s/b part of gross profit calc)
- F91
- DAs w/ little or no SC & no add'l DB other than account value
- policy liab = account value using retrospective deposit method
- if no explict acct value, prospective method using best-estimate assumptions w/o PADs
- DAC and FEL considerations
- Practice Bulletin 8 - DA F97 DAC s/b treated as an asset like UL
- not explicitly stated, but same method used for F91
- Commissions and CREs are primary acq costs, but anything else that qualifies under F60 s/b OK
- FEL in excess of ongoing service loads s/b deferred as Unearned Revenue
- DAC amortizes and URL accrues w/r to EGP for F97, int method for F91
- DAC Amortizatoin under F97
- uses saem revenue defintion as F97 UL
- use gross profits as revenue for amortizing DAC and accruing URL
- Definition of Gross Profits
- F97 P23 includes the following EGP items
- amounts expected to be assessed for mortality less benefit claims in excess of PO balances
- amounts expected to be assessed for contract admin less costs incurred for contract admin
- amounts expected to be earned from investment of PO balances less int credited to PO balances (int margin)
- amounts expected to be assessed against PO balances upon contract termination (SC)
- other expected assessements and credits
- best estimates over life of contract w/o PADs
- for DAs, admin, int and SC are most significant items (particularly int margin)
- mort margin usually trivial unless rider w/ significant mort charges included
- other includes things like contingent bonus accruals
- Excluded items: DAC, deferred excess FEL, FIT
- Included : recurring acq expenses, ultimate level of commissions, PT
- Overhead is excluded
- Int Margin is to include realized g/l
- AICPA Practice Bulletin 8 - Expected G/L s/b included since projected future income should include expected total yield from these investments
- int margins should include impact of policy loans if applicable
- DAC Amortization Process
- F97 DAC - amortized in proportion to EGP revenue each accounting period over the period that such revenue is recognized (often capped at x years)
- many co's use worksheet approach
- some co's use valn systems that calc DAC at contract level
- amort process can be expressed using eithe retrospective or prospective approach
- k(0) = pv(DAC)(0) / PV(EGP)
- assumptions not locked - replace EGP w/ actual each acctg period (true-up)
- update best estimate assumptions if warranted
- k(t) updated each accting period
- recalc is as of original issue date
- adjustments to balance made to current and future balances - don't restate past financials
- if k(0) > 1 at issue, recoverability problem may exist
- k(0) recalced using estimated earned rate (instead of credited rate)
- confirms earnings will be available if needed and maintain consistency w/ loss recognition concepts
- if still > 1, reduce DAC until k(0) = 1
- reduction charged against earnings in current acctg period
- F60 procedures for handling recoverability problmes
- if PV(EGP)(0) < 0, no DAC is established
- no additional reserve req'd to make up deficiency
- possible for GAAP loss in all future years for F97 DAs
- adhere to general guidance in F60
- if significant profits expected in one or more periods
- PV(EGR, Gross Costs, or balance of Ins inforce) s/b substituted as base
- int rate for k(t) is either
- rate in effect at contract inception
- actual prior credited rates and latest revised rate for future periods
- int rate choice must be used consistently for all future years for cohort
- EGP & DAC formulas
- assumptions
- EGP derived from investment and expense margins and SC
- all commission expressed as % of prem
- Definitions
- t - contract or calendar year
- n - # years to end of revenue period
- GP(t) - expected GP collected in year t
- m - # prem payments per year
- C(t) - deferrable commision rate in year t
- i(t) - credited int rate for year t
- I_E(t)/AI_E(t) - expected/actual earned rate
- I_C(t)/AI_C(t) - expected/actual credited rate
- E_A(t)/AE_A(t) - expected/actual admin costs
- E_C(t)/AE_C(t) - expected/actual admin contract charges
- SC_E(t)/SC_A(t) - excpected/actual SC
- EGP(t) - EOY value of EGP(revenue) in year t
- AGP(t) - EOY value of AGP in year t
- DAE(0) - non commission deferrable expenses @ issue
- CAP(t) - BOY cap acq costs
- = DAE(0) + C(1)*GP(1)*(1+i(1))^{-(m-1)/2m} in year 1
- = C(t)*GP(t)*(1+i(t))^{-(m-1)/2m} in renewal years
- DAC(t) - DAC asset at end of policy year t
- DAC_CY(t) - DAC asset at EOY t
- k(t) - amort factor for AGP/EGP in year t
- Formulas
- EGP(t) = (I_E(t) - I_C(t)) + (E_C(t) - E_A(t)) + SC_E(t)
- k(0) = sum(CAP(s)/prod(1+i(p))) / sum(EGP(s)/prod(1+i(r))) for s=1 to n; p=0 to s-1; r=1 to s
- assume CAP(s) - BOY value and EGP(s) - EOY value
- k(t) = sum(CAP(s)/prod(1+i(p))) / [sum(AGP(v)/prod(1+i(v))) + sum(EGP(w)/prod(1+i(w)))] for s=1 to n; p=0 to s-1; v = 1 to t; w=t+1 to n
- Retrospective formula for DAC (end of contact year)
- DAC(t) = (DAC(t-1) + CAP(t))*(1+i(t)) - k(t)*AGP(t)
- Prospective
- DAC(t) = k(t)*PV(future EGP revenues) - PV(future deferrable costs)
- Calendar year apporx
- DAC_CY(t) = 0.5*(DAC(t-1) + DAC(t))
- if amort schedule developed from first principles, validatoin of model data w/actual inforce data s/b done
- validate account value, commissions, policy count, & premium at a minimum
DAC Amortization under SFAS91
- Practice Bulletin 8 - recognize acq and int costs as expenses @ constant rate applied to net policy liab
- interest method
- generally defined as diff between policy liab and notional account value, calced @ solved for BE rate
- BE rate - rate where policy liab @ issue = notialnal account value + PV(est DAC) <- @ assumed credited rate
- after issue, notional acct valued calced using original BE rate and remaining DAC is diff between notional acct value and policy liab @ valn
- Int method generally used when policy liab calced under prospective method
- if contract has explicit account value, retrospective method used in practice & handled more like F97 product, including using EGPs
- F91 Inv Contracts not subject or recoverability analysis or loss recognition testing
- in practice, amt of DAC allowed @ issue is limited if BE rate exceeds co's best estimate of investment rate
- if DAC is eliminated and best est rate is still < BE rate
- NO add'l reserve req'd & losses each year earned rate < BE rate
Accrual of Unearned Revenue Liability (URL)
- FEL in excess of level renewal service loads are deferred
- F97 P20 FEL - amt assessed that represnt compensation to insurance enterprise for services to be provided in future periods
- FEL genearlly associated w/ DAs subject to F97 investment contract acctg model
- recognition of deferrable FEL reseults in establishment of URL
- excess loads deferred each acct period as incurred and realased into earning in proportion to AGP realized each period (similar to DAC capitalization adn amortizatoin)
- release rate factor developed similar to k factor
- k(0) = PV future URL / PV future EGP sicounted as assumed credited rate
Selection of Assumptions
- need to select appropriate assumptions at issue and periodically thereafter as necessary
- best estimates w/o pads
- often pricing assumptions w/ PADs removed
- historic prem patterns s/b reviewd since PO can vary FPDA prem payments
- exonomic trends can alos affect payment history
- assumed earned and credited rates - two of most important assumptoins for DAs
- take into account
- investment strategy
- asset type and quality
- asset duration
- liquidity
- disintermediation risk
- provisions for default cost - by quality rating
- int crediting strategy can change over tiem
- strongly influenced by competition and desired spread
- new LOB probably very competitive
- runoff block probably large spread to maximize profits
- reflect prem taxes
- gross of FIT (no tax assumption)
Loss Recognition Tests
- adverse experinece over a period of time reduces AGP and can cause future assumption changes
- these can lead to doubts as to remaining DAC recoverability
- Practice Bulletin 8 - if portion of DAC balance is probably not recoverable, it should be written off
- necessary to conduct preiodic tests of recoverability
- if k(t) ? 1, may not be adequate future revenues to amortize remaining DAC
- need to reduce DAC balance until k(t) <= 1
- F97 investment contracts never need a def reserve
- cannot reinstate written off DAC if experience improves
Examples pp 186 - 190
Presentation of Results
- income statement considerably different from US Stat and F60
- s/b reported in form similar to F97 UL
- F97 revenue
- investment income
- COIs
- SC
- expense charges
- released URL
- DA expenses
- benefit claims in excess of acct value
- admin expenses
- int credited
- amort of DAC
- accrual of special liab (ex. accrued liab for contingent bonus features)
- primary differences - prems, surr benefits, resv incr, credited int
Acconting for Special Features
- MVA Annuities
- product description
- allows companies to guar a competitive crediting rate in exchange for additinal surrender penalty
- MVA designed to cover g/l when surrenders occur @ times when int rates are higher/lower than when contract was issued
- change in intended discourange disintermediation and to recover the realized g/l on those surrenders that do take place
- accounting issues
- when and how MVA adjustments and realized g/l s/b included in EGP calc
- what discount rate s/b used when int rates change
- at contract issue - most co' do not anticipate future MVA adj or realized g/l
- credited rate set equal to guar rate and earned rate = (for guar period) earned rate on assets underlying assets @ issue
- when int rates change, need to decide if need to adjust rates going forward (recalc EGP)
- which int rate to use to recalc VP EGP in DAC amortization factor calc
- crediting rate in effect @ inception OR
- latest revised rate applied to remaining benefit period
- example pp 194-195
- Bonus Annuities
- Product Description
- two bonus designs
- immediate fund enhancement of % of first yr prem (or single prem)
- additional int enhancement in one or more years early in contract
- both usually accomplished by reducing commissions
- usually increases early persistency
- bonus may or may not be immediately vested
- Accounting Issues
- some argue that bonus is a mktg related cost adn s/b a sales expense like commmission
- some co's designate the benefit as contingent and not guaranteed to occur and accrue liab over a period of years, commonly in relation to EGP
- AICPA had not yet rendered an opinion on this yet
- Example 196-197
- Two-Tiered ANnuities
- Product Description
- two tiers
- one w/ lower rate for surrenders (liquid fund)
- one w/ higher rate for annuitization (income fund)
- usually between 100-300 bps difference between rates
- liquid fund typically FEL (5-10%)
- some use SC (BEL) 5-10 yrs grading to 0
- int usually near guar rate until end of SC period (or approx 10 years if FEL)
- then usually same as income fund
- income fund typically enhanced by 5-10% 1st year prem bonus
- Accounting Issues
- fairly controversial for GAAP methodology
- typically considerred investment contracts (despite annuitization encouragment)
- two basic approaches - based on liquid fund and based on income fund
- some use a blended 3rd approach
- liquid fund reserve - liquid fund + accrual of add'l lib for diff between liquid and income funds
- URL for FEL established and released in proprtion to AGP
- add'l liab generally accrues ~ liquid fund or EGP
- income fund reserve = income fune (including any enhancements)
- DAC amortized in relation to EGP, defined by approach selected
- EGP for income fund approach -
- = excess inv income on assets supporting income fund
- + diff between two funds on surrender
- + expense load margins
- income fund bonuses - some co's capitalize tihs amt liek DAC and mortize w/r EGP
- some calc amt in same manner, but report it as a contra-liability instead of deferred asset
- some believe liquid fund approach yields a more reasonable GAAP earning pattern
- income fund leads toward over-reserving
- liquid fund approach doesn't have capitalized bounus issues
- example p 199-202
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