- Critical Ins Co functions
- establishing mkt objectives
- determing how to grow in mktplace
- implementing strategies to implent these goals
- mktg objectives s/b designed to maintain existing business and generate NB w/in existing mkts adn from existing dist channels
- growth objectives s/b designed to generate NB from new mkts, new products and new dist channels
- mkt adn growth objectives s/b based on
- historical results - where co has been, is today, and why
- strengths - s/b viewed as opportunities and capitalized as either competitive edge or way to enhance profitability
- weaknesses - eliminated or minimized as much as possible
- external environment - assesment includes
- competition
- consumer needs/desires
- demographics
- economic conditions
- int rates
- inflation
- reg climate
- consumer attitudes
- gov't intentions (regarding public/private fin security issues)
- internal assumptions
- assume sufficient CF & reserves to support sales goals and forays into new mkts, products, dist channels
- strategic assumptions about how it will utilize capital and other resources
- mktg strategies
- specific interrelated & complementary activities a co will perform to achieve its goals
- markets, product, distribution
- specific mkts co wants to operate in
- must be indentified and defined as precisely as possible
- definition includes
- demographic characteristics
- geographic location
- lifestyles
- motivation
- needs
- product use
- social mobility
- each mkt mustbe measurable (size and purchasing power)
- must be large enough to be profitable and reachable by distribution
- once mkts identified, can plan how to best penetrate these mkts
- req'd resources, who will implement, time frame
- products offered must be suitable to targeted mkts and dist systems
- must be designed to support mktg adn pricing objectives
- objectives for quality, services and growth s/b met w/in budget adn w/in expense loadign for each product line
- Cos must tailor each dist system to mkt it will serve and products it will sell
- pay attention to what is needed to enhance capability of field & HO to deal w/ new products and to penetrate targeted mkts
- pay attention to how internal programs might impact dist system
Role fo the Actuary
- offer assistance to mktg officer in formulation of mktg mgmt objectives and strategies
- gauge potential effects of mgmt decisions
- project expectd results
- take active role in design of product and compensation
- measure progress toward attainment fo mktg objectives
- advise on impact of strategies on fin rating
- advise on appropriateness of sales illustration
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