- N/a to
- variable life
- ind and gruop annuities
- credit life
- life policies w/ no illustrated DB > 10k
- disciplined current scale - reasonably based on actuarl recent hist exp
- does not allow projected improvements
- does not allow assumed expenses < minimums
- illustrated scale - lesser of
- disciplined current scale
- currently payable scale
- lapse-supported illustration - disciplined current scale ecxept 100% persistency years 6+
- min assumed expenses
- fully allocated expenses
- marginal expenses (only OK if > GRET)
- if no approved GRET, must use fully allocated
- self supporting illustration - accum CF >= PO value (CV adn other available amts) for 15th policy yer & all illustrated points beyond
Policies to Be Illustrated
- can't use an illustration prior to 1st anniv if policy form marketed w/o illustration
- if mktd w/ illustration, illustration must follow reg
- quotations for non-term group life: show sample age values <> illustration for purposes of reg
- but illustrated values must be consistent w/ illustrated scale
- basic illustration must be available to any non-term gruop life enrollee who requests it
- General Rules and Prohibitions
- labeled "Life Ins Illustration" adn contain basic info
- name of insurer name adn address of sales rep
- name/age/gender of prospect u/w/rating class illustrations base upon
- generic & company prodict name and form #
- initial DB dividend option election or application or non-guar elements
- shall NOT
- represent pol as anything other than life ins pol
- use or describe non-guar elements in a misleadaing manner
- state or imply that non-guar elements are guar
- use a non-compliant illustration
- use an illustration more favorable than reality
- provide an incomplete illustration
- represent that prem payments not req'd to maintain illustrated DB unless that is true
- use "vanish"
- use "lapse-supported" illustratino, unless prodcut has no non-f benefits
- use a non-self-supporting illustration
- int rate can't be greater than disciplined scale rate
Standards for Basic Illustration
- Format
- boat load of caveats adn supplemental explanations for anything not guaranteed
- have date prepared and page # of ##
- Narrative Summary
- brief descriptoin of policy
- breif desc of prem outlay
- brief desc of policy features/riders/options
- identification adn brief def of column headings and key terms
- not-guaranteed caveat
- Numeric Summary
- Pol years 5,10,20,AA70
- Policy guarantees
- insurer's illustrated scale
- "mid-point" scale
- divs @ 50%
- credited rates @ avg guar & illustrated
- non-guar charges @ avg guar & illustrated
- Statements
- one signed by applicant/PO
- one signed by sales rep
- Tabular Detail
- basic illustrations
- every year 1-10 adn 5th year thereafter
- any year premium outlay changes
- prem outlay and mode of payment
- guar db
- guar csv
- non-guar elements may be shown if described in contract
- must show at same durations
- must show 0 in guar column
Standards for Supplemental Illustrations
- must be associated w/ basic illustration
- can't show values more favorable than basic illustration
- non-guar caveat
- must include notice to look @ basic illustration
Delivery of Illustration and Record Retention
- copy if signed illustration attached to app
- revised illustration need to be signed if policy issued other than applied for
- agent must sign if no illustration used and illustration provided w/ policy
- signed illustration must be kept in file for 3 years after policy no longer in force
Annual Report; Notice to PO
- Illustrated policies must provide annual status reports
- UL
- beg adn end odate of report period
- pol value @ end of last and current period
- total amts credited/debited - by type
- current Db
- loan balance
- lapse notice - if applicable
- Other Pols
- current DB
- ann prem
- current CSV
- current DIV
- applicatoin of current div
- outstanding loan
- if pol has no nonf values, only need to supply annual report when change made to non-guar elements
Annual Certifications
- Illustration Actuary - appointed by board of directors
- Ill Act will certify that illustrations in compliance
- Illustratio Actuary is
- familiar w/ illustration ASOP
- not been bad - from an illustration actuary perpsective
- disclose material changes in scales/assumptions
- disclose expense assumptoin
- certify policy forms annually adn before first use
- another responsible officer certified
- illustrations in use are ones Ill Act certified
- co gave agents info about expenses
- company will promptly inform when and why illustration actuary changes
Copyright © 2004 Steve Welander.
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