Life and Health Marketing (LOMA) - Chapter 15 - DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS
- Distribution Channel - network of cos and people that performall mktg activities req'd to deliver products to customers
- 3 types: personal selling/financial institutions/direct response
Personal Selling Distribution Systems
- Agnecy-Building Distribution Systems
- Ordinary agency distirbution system - full or part-time agents to sell/service ins pols
- field force - agents in the system
- career agent - full-time commissioned salesperson w/ agency contract
- agency contract - agreement that defines roles/responsibilities/compensation/power of agency
- power of agency - agents right to act for the insurer
- Career Agents - independent agents, not employees
- exclusive agent - tied/captive - not permitted to sell other insurers products
- agent-broker - broker - places business w/ cos other than primary co
- marketing territory - geographic area insurer distributes products
- field offices - sales offices in marketing territory
- considered a branch office or agency office
- Branch Office System
- Branch manager responsible for increaing sales/recruiting and developing career agents/managing expenses for the co
- Branch manager and office staff are ins co employees
- Agent in branch office under contract to ins co, not branch manager
- General Agency System
- Agency offices established, maintained and funded by general agents
- General Agent - Independent agent under contract to insurer
- primary funtion of GA is to build and manage an agency of career agents focused on distributing products of single insurer w/in defined territory
- GA is agent of insured, not EE
- office staff EE of GA, not insurer
- Comparison of Branch Office adn General Agency Systems
- expensive to build field force from scratch so use GA system
- GA bears some/all of agency startup costs incl office expenses/salaries
- Insurer commission costs ~ sales
- Branch office - high costs @ beginning even though sales low
- Well established insurers prefer branch office
- - greater control & flexibiltiy
- - can transfer personnel between territory
- - can transfer someone w/ experience vs training from scratch
- - rewards good producers w/ better territories
- under GA, need consent of GA to transfer people
- distinction between GA and Branch office getting fuzzier
- Multiple-Line Agency (MLA) Distribution System
- uses career agents to distribute life/health/p/c ins for group of commonly managed or financially related ins cos
- MLAs establish own office w/ little/no help from insurer
- benefits of MLA system
- - efficiency in serving certain markets - one agent for all needs
- - opportunities to cross-sell products
- - persistency - more business and more satisfied = better persistency
- - economies of scale for insurer
- Home Service Distribution system
- exlusive agaents (home service agents/debit agents)
- defined products/defined territory
- autohorized ot collect renewals @ PO's home
- employees of home service co
- req'd to keep certain hours and may be transferred
- MDO policy (monthly debit ordinary) - prems collected monthly at PO's home
- 1k-25k face amts typically
- PNO policy (premium notice ordinary)
- $10k/$15k min face
- prems paid via mail/payroll ded/mbd/eft but may be collected at PO's home
- usually a district office w/ district manager
- districts split into territorys - 1 agent/territory
- Worksite Mktg Distribution System
- individual/grp ins distributed at place of work on voluntary, paryroll deduction basis
- advantages
- - effective way to reach and meet the needs of mill/lower income mkts
- - more cost effective than distribution of indiv plans of ins
- - builds name recognition
- - possible gateway to sell grp benefit products to employer
- - payroll ded less likely to lapse that direct billed for EE who remain w/ company
- disadvantages
- - two sales to make - one to employer, one to EE
- - small face amounts and prems
- - persistency problems in high turnover workplaces
- Location-Selling Distribution System
- consumer initiated sales at kiosk/desk in other store
- may be agency building or direct response dpeending on staffing levels
- pre-need funeral is a specialized type of location-selling
- Salaried Sales Distribution System
- relys on salaried sales reps to sell/service products
- employees of insurer and paid salary
- Group Representative - handle group sales - specially trained for groups
- Call and Contact Centers
- call center - phonebank for support
- contact center - like phone center but email/mail/phone/web chat
- possible source of cross sells
- Non-Agency-Building Distribution Systems
- Pros
- - don't have to train/finance or provde office support
- - less expensive to establish
- - expenses linked directly to sales
- Cons
- - agents not exclusive
- - less control
- Brokerage Distribution System
- uses agent-brokers and licensed brokers
- licensed broker
- - independent life broker
- - licensed to sell but not under an agency contract w/ any insurer
- - responsible for own office space and other expenses
- producer group
- - independent producers organized
- - negotiates compensation/product/service arrangements w/ ins co
- - normally focus on specific segment of mkt
- soliciting brokerage business
- Brokerage Rep
- appointed to solicit brokerage business and appoint brokers on behalf of co
- may be full-time salaried employee or soliciting agents
- Brokerage General Agency
- agency operated by Brokerage General Agent (BGA)
- BGA - independent agent under contract w/ numerous insurers
- BGAs have minimum production reqmts
- primary function - encourage agents/brokers to sell products of cos BGA represents
- Wholesaler - broker rep that solicits business for an insu co primarily from broker-dealers adn banks
- Personal-Producing General Agency (PPGA) System
- PPGA - commissioned salesperson, not housed in insurer's field office, engaged primarily in personal production
- most co's that licensse PPGAs have min prod reqs
- soliciting PPGA business
- Regional Officer - independt contractor or EE who recruits and manages PPGAs for only one insurer
- Managing General Agent (MGA) - indepentd contractor typically recruits and manages PPGAs for # diff cos
- primary advantange of PPGA system - tendency to hold down costs
- Professional Advisors Distribution System
- Financial planners/CPAs/Attorney distributing life ins
- sometimes fee based, sometime commissioned
- laws and ethics codes are strict for these folks - lots of extra disclosures
Financial Institutions Distribution Systems
- Broker-Dealer (B-D) Distribution System
- variable products can only be distributed through B-D
- if insurer want to distribute variable products
- register ins co as B-D
- establish sub that registers as a B-D
- mkt prducts through affiliate that is a registerd B-D
- Bank Insurance
- distribution of ins to bank customers through bank-affiliated insurer or ins agency
- authorized by Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB Act)
- Insurance Companies
- nonproprietary products - products manufactured by another insurer
- common products - DI/Indiv Health/small group health
- done to keep agents/customers happy
- home-office-to-home-office arrangement
- HO distributes specific product lines mfg by another insurer
- career agents allowed to broker on their own for products not carried
- in-house brokerage agency - solicits dist agreements w/ other cos for prodcuts not offered
- keeps exclusive agents from dealing with other cos
Direct Response Distribution Systems
- overview
- normally noface-to-face contact occurs - sometimes phone sales reps or agents
- Direct Response Mkts - using one or more media to elicit an immediate and measurable response from a customer
- Two types of direct response materials
- Invitation to inquire - communications designed to generate interest in product/service and provide prospects w/ means to request and receive add'l info
- Invitation to Contract - communicaton desited to solicit and close a sale
- fullfillment kit - package of materials designed to address customer's request
- Products Distributed Through Direct Response Marketing
- generally simple to apply and pay for, u/w, administer
- typically non-med or guar iss basis
- non-med basis - sold w/o exam by doc/paramed - may have health questions on app
- guar-iss basis - no indiv u/w takes place - if an eligible member of group, apply and meets specified contitions, automatically issued a policy
- Media used in Direct Response Marketing
- Direct Mail - generally print form via mail service - contains mail kit
- mail kit
- intro letter response device (application/form)
- brochures business reply envelope
- Telemarketing - use telephone to produce sale
- Outbound Telemarketing - co calls you
- Inbound Telemarketing - cust call your - usually as a response for other ads
- Internet
- Aggregator - site where users can comparison shop many co's for rates
- Type of Mailing Lists
- House List - compiled from people who have shown interst in co or been referred by current customers - most productive list
- Response List - people who have brough from another co through direct response - their house list - second most productive list
- Compiled List - derived from direcories/newspapers/tradeshow registrations/ etc
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