Study Notes and Published Refences - Note SN 8I-309-01 - MANAGEMENT REPORTS AND REPORTS TO REGULATORY BODIES
- mgmt reporting systems designed to satisfy 3 basic purposes
- external reporting to shareholders/policyholders/regulators
- internal reporting to mgmt for control and planning
- internal reporting to mgmt for non-routine decision making
Management Reporting
- comprises teh published reports of financial results for shareholders, PO, or other users of fin reports
- along with those used internally by mgmt for control and decision making
- Reports for External Readers
- frequency and form dependent on # factors
- stock vs mutual
- needs of co mgmt
- subject to SEC
- demands of others (credit rating agencies)
- Annual/Qtrly usually consist of
- balance sheet as of reporting date - usually w/ comparison to prev periods
- income statement since last report - usually w/ comparison to prev periods
- cash flow statement
- statement of changes in shareholder equity (or PO surplus)
- explanatory notes to fin statements (lots of disclosures)
- common to provide a narrative (MDA)
- Reporting for Mgmt Control
- provides mgmt w/ info necessary for planning and controlling current operations, making special decisions and formulating long-range plans
- Basic Objectives of Mgmt Reporting
- must be at a level of detail & freq to enable the user manager to accomplish the control or planning function
- shoudl focus on key controllale tiems on which a manager cna act
- distribution of reports s/b limited to those who can act on the info
- one mgmt reportng linnked to strategic objectives, mgmt comp can be lined (in part) to measurment of these metrics
- Economic Value Analysis - analyze economic value of various untis of co to determine capital allocation strategies & req'd rates of return
- Structure of Report
- system s/b single integrated multi-purpose reporting package taht provides all relevant data via fewest pages of reports
- all report elements s/b generated as a routine by-product of the acctg and info gathering process (ideally)
- data warehouse - allows mining
- top mgmt need less detail fo results of operations and more analysis from lower mgmt
- exception reporting - reports only detail matters that have varied from the plan
- reports sould include explanations for any deviations and propose corrective action (if needed)
- Reporting for Cost Control
- needs good historical data
- best accomplished through techniquies of responsiblity level reporting
- Elements of Responsibility Reporting
- forms basic design of complet mgmt control system
- focuses on individual manger who has primary responsibility for revenues/cost
- recognized cause and effect relationship between decisions made an dactions takes and economic results of such decisions and actions
- procedures shoudl provide for direct and indirect cost indentification and techniques for their allocation to benefiting functinos
- levels of cost containment shoudl take into account
- operational responsibilities of dept fro whom cost accumulated
- other cost centers from which work rec'd
- otehr cost centers benefiting from work performed
- plans of ins or major types of ins served by function
- Report Design for Responsibility Control
- only report results that can be directly controlled
- objective negated if info reported is outside their authority
- managers can only utilize a level of report detail commesurate w/ style of mgmt, authority and info needs
- many orgs re-designing chart of accts & cost centers so they "roll-up" better
- reports generally provide net operating results on
- contribution to income by LOB function or
- contribution to overhead
- reports show results for period, comparison w/ budget and forcasts and variances
- Analytical Reporting
- great deal of add'l info that is financial or statistical in nature
- add'l elements - control of performance
- policy counts and avg volumes
- w/ explanations for deviations (both fair and unfair)
- changes in acq costs - all deviations s/b explained
- trend analysis of Stat and GAAP reserve/$1m
- clerical cost control reports
- % of perforance std achieved for each work element, volume of processing, volume of backlog
- mgmt info systems control
- expansoin or decline of units of work completed for users, improvement or degradation of user value rec'd
- add'l elements - Planning
- historical trend analysis
- persistency
- comparison of ins inforce
- A/E mort and morb analysis
- model of sample block of business
- stratified A&H claims
- recoverability analysis of DAC
- investment yield analysis
- inv yield on new funds
- repayments and maturities of investments
- cash flow projections
Reporting to the SEC
- one of their primary functions - examine registration statements and annual and periodic reports filed by publicly held co's to determine if appropriate disclosures made
- Reporting under Securities Act of 1933
- disclosure statute concerned primarily w/ registration and disclosure before public selling
- Securities Registration Statements
- approval of registration statement and prospectus prior to sale of securities
- public document (except for a few confidential sections)
- Form S-1
- principal registratoin statement
- Part I - same stuff as prospectus
- selected fin data - 5 year comparison revenue/income/assets/LT obligations/divs
- supplemental fin info - quarterly
- financial statements
- Part II - stuff we don't care about
- Other Registration Forms
- Shelf Registrations
- Reg C allows registering early and waiting to sell
- Regulation S-X
- principle acctg regulation
- supplemented w/ FRRs (replace ASRs) and SABs
- same as GAAP w/ additional footnotes
- Important Parts
- Article 3 of S-X - fin stmt rules for when and what
- Article 4 Rule 4-08 - general notes - lists additional disclosures
- Article 7 - Inc Co Fin Statements - GAAP rules w/ addtional req's
- Application of Regulation S-K
- objective: standardize disclosure reqs for SEC filings
- 9 major sections - 8 relate to insurance
- buisness
- financial info
- securities of the registrant
- mgmt and certain security holdings
- registrant statemnt and prospectus provisions
- exhibits
- misc
- list of industry guides
- Significance of FRRs
- designed to communicate SEC's position on acctg and auditing principles and practices
- SABs - informal rulings and interpretations
- Reporting under Securites Exchange Act of 1934
- registration under 1934 act - certain public cos not on an exchange must register w/SEC if they meet size reqs
- Ins Cos exempt from 1934 act b/c under control of state depts/agencies
- annual reporting under 1934 Act - annually 10=K
- other periodic reporting - 10Q, 8K, proxy statement
- Regulation S-B
- small business
- forms SB-2 10QSB 10KSB 10-SB
- Electronic Filing
- Reg S-T details reqs and procedures for electronic filing
Reporting to Other Regulatory Agencies
- Reporting to Stock Exchanges
- Form 10 to SEC and Applicatoin for original listing w/ exchange
- reqs for original listing
- varies for each exchange, most stringent for NYSE
- listing application
- original listing or subsequent issuance of additional securities
- periodic reporting reqs
- annual audited and quarterly unaudited w/ exchange and 10K to SEC
- Periodic Reporting to State Ins Depts
- annual and most states quarterly
- some states have reqs for special reports
- Statutory Codificatoin
- report beginning 1/1/2001 in accordance w/ revised NAIC Acctg Practices and Procedures Manual
- designed to provide consistency between cos and states
- 3 objectives: conservatism, consistency, recognition
- provides guidance where Stat had been silent and changes stat in some areas
- NAIC database designed to give early warning re: cos w/ fin difficulties
- Financial TEsts
- Ratio 1 - Net change in cap & surplus - delta cap & surplus / delta cap & surp (-1) >1/2 <-1/10 warning
- Ratio 1a - gross change in capital and surplus
- Ratio 2 - Net gain to Total Income - NGO (incl real g/l) / gross income <=0 warning
- Ratio 3 - Comm adn exp to Prems and Depostis - >60% - supplemental ratio only
- Ratio 4 - Adequacy of Inv Income - NII / Int Req'd <125% >900%
- Ratio 5 - Nonadmitted Assets to Admitted Assets - >= 100%
- Ratio 6 - Real Estate to Cap & Surplus >100% ($5mill or less of cap&surp), >200% rest
- Ratio 7 - Inv in Affiliates to cap and Surp - >100%
- Ratio 8 - Surplus Relief - net reins somm & exp allow / cap & surp - >10%<-10% smaller co >30%<-99% rest
- Stability Tests - exceptions require evaluation of mgmt strength to control dramatic change
- Ratio 9 - chagne in premium - >= 50% < -10%
- Ratio 10 - Change in product mix - >= 5%
- Ratio 11 - Change in Asset Mix - >= 5%
- Ratio 12 - Change in reserving ratio - agg incr indiv life resv / indiv life renewal and single prem - >= +/- 20%
- Co should monitor these ratios since automatically calculated from AS filings
- include all material and significant changes and events
- specifically must address
- financial position
- results of operations - unusual or non-recurring events, favorable or unfavorable trends
- cash flow and liquidity - include any planned capital expenditures w/ purpose and funding
- Special Reporting to the IRS
- 1099 - reports int, divs and certain other payments and taxes withheld
- withholding rules - mandatory in some cases
- special rules
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