- ROE = GAAP Income / Prior YE GAAP equity
- corp profitability measure common in ins industry
- relationship between pricing objective ROI and corp profit measure ROE
- examing relationship between ROE and after-tax ROE
- StatSurplus(t) = StatSurlus(t-1) + StatIncome(t) - Dividend(t)
- GAAPEquity(t) = GAAPEquity(t-1) + GAAPIncome - Dividend(t)
- StatIncome(t) = BookProfit(t) + i*(StatSurplus(t-1))
- DAC(t) = DAC(t-1) - (DAC(0)*g*v^(w-t+1))/(1-v^w)
- v = 1/(1+g) where g = i from DAC amort sched and w is amort period
- GAAPIncome(t) = StatIncome(t) - DAC(t-1) + DAC(t)
- ROE = GAAP Income / GAAP Equity
- example shows what happens if DAC < ROI adn i < ROI
- since i < ROI, stat income invested @ lower rate, brings down ROE below ROI
- DAC amortizes more at lower rate than ROI rate which brings down ROE in early years
- trend reverses in later years
- can fix i < ROI problem by releasing Stat Income via divs to other LOB or to stockholders
- ignoring taxes, 2 main reasons why ROI = ROE objective is prevented
- stat surplus not used to acq NB will hurt performance if surplus not earning an annual return equal to RO objective
- GAAP requires degree of conservatism.
- Eliminates use of annual ROI pricing objective as inv earnings rate in development of DAC amort sched and benefit reserve
- therefore earnings deferred to later years and result is non-leve (incr) emergence of ROE
Effect of FIT
- ROI is minimally affected by FIT
- intro of FIT dramatically changes relationship of ROI to ROE
- 1st yr ROE reduced by factor of (1-T) - since initial equity not affected by after-tax ROE
- for ROE=ROI, GAAPEquity(t) = (1-T)DAC(t) w/ DAC amortized @ ROI
- and stat surplus = 0 or reinvested @ ROI/(1-t)
- a company holding surplus, invested at rate < ROI/(1-T), en excess of that necessary to producce new business &/or producing new business cannot produce a compnay-wide after-tax ROE = ROI pricing objective
- unless it owns a block w/ an after-tax ROE > company-wide after-tax ROE objective
- This could occur
- past business priced to produce ROI > current objective and pricng assumptions met
- experience emerged more favorably than was anticipated in pricing
- past accts practices were conservative and deferred earnings
- Potential soln - price new products using ROI objective > corp after-tax ROE objective
- advantages
- if corp after-tax ROE < ROI, will meet ROE goal quicker
- in later years, renewal business ROE would = ROI which is > corp ROE goal which will offset negative effect that production of NB has on corp ROE
- if goal was to meet ROE goal in 1st year, ROI pricing objective = ROE/(1-T)
- and renew ROE > corp ROE (approaches ROI) if suplus dividended out
- GAAP won't allow ROI as amort schedule rate
- marketplace may not allow success of ins product w/ ROI that high
- non-ins industries produce returns by leveraging equity w/ debt
- stat acctg principle eliminate this option for LIC
- equity (not just current assets) needed to acq new life ins business
- need to leverage new business w/ old
- growth in ne production dictated by
- past and current acct practices
- reinvestment adn stockholder div practices
- age of existing blocks
- relative size of existing blocks vs NB
- reinvestment and stock div practices must consider degree of risk assoc w/ existing block
- stat surplus in excess of what is needed to produce NB must be maintained and amt ret depends on risk elements assoc w/ block
- therefore, get effect on after-tax ROE of maintainnig this surplus must be considered when detererming how much NB can be writeene w/in ROE constraints
- Soln: calc ROI on new products on basis of stat "reserve" = reserve + add'l amt needed as risk surplus to ensure solvency of LOB (benchmark surplus)
- ROE = ROI shoudl emerge even though sufficient assets avail to ensure solvency
Generalized Case
- conclusions drawn from examples not dependent upon specific emergence of SAP profits assumed
- by def, Sum(PVProfit_SAP) = 0 @ ROI rate
- therefore sum(PVProfit_GAAP) = 0 @ ROI rate
- if inv earning rate for GAAP = ROI and all other assumptions = pricing
- GAAP book profit each year (leveled as % prem) must = 0
- ROE = ROI regardless of emergence of SAP profits if SAP-GAAP adjustments assume inv earning rate = ROI
Special Considerations
- DEFRA mess w/ GAAP income and ROE b/c of "fresh start"
- need to be taken into consideration during corp planning process
- Relationship between ROI and ROE dependent on # items
- past and current Acctg practices
- past and future reinsvestment and stockholder div practices
- risk assoc w/ existing block and stat suplus req'd to insure co's future solvency
- age of existing block of business
- relative size of existing block when compared to NB to be produced.
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