Valuation of Life Insurance Liabilities - Chapter 4 - VALUATION OF INTEREST SENSITIVE LIFE PRODUCTS
- policies develop CSV based on retrospective accum of (flex) prems less mort and expense charges at a declared or indexed rate
- this makes them not compatible w/ trad valn procedures
Flexible Premium UL
- premiums less expense charges credited to fund
- int credits credited to fund
- mort and expense charges deducted from fund
- CSV = fund value - SC
- Minimum Reserves
- 1983 - NAIC rules - to make UL work w/ trad valn formulas
- GMP - guaranteed maturity premium - level gross premium that provides for an endowment at the latest possible maturity date
- calculated at issue using policy guarantees for expesne and mortality charges adn int credits
- GMF - guaranteed maturity fund - calced as of issued date assuming GMPs are paid
- r = min(actual fund value / GMF, 1)
- policy fund projected forward using max(GMF, Actual Fund Value) assuming GMPs paid
- this produces guaranteed DBs and Guar Maturity benefit for valn purposes
- PV of these benefits calced on the valn basis
- NL reserve = r*(PV projected DB - PV projected GMPs) (assuming GMPs paid from issue (not valn))
- CRVM reserve = NL Reserve - r*unamort CRVM allowance for plan of ins generated at issue on guar basis assuming GMPs paid
- Simplified: Model Reg assumes all UL plans are permanent plans @ issue
- "r" factor to measure if policy is "on track" as permanent plan
- if CV > Vx, excess held elsewhere on statement (was 8G)
- Alternative Minimum Reserves (AMR)
- may be req'd if GMP < valn net premiums
- if req'd - max(a,b)
- a - reserve calculated using reserve method, mort basis and valn i actually used for policy
- b - reserve calced usnig reserve method actually used, but using min stds of mort and i allowable for V_def(x) & replacing valn net prem w/ GMP
- valn net prem (VNP) not explicity defined in model reg
- most cos interpret VNP = P_NL + EA/adue
- Features that lead to AMR
- no load products if guar COI and i similar to valn basis
- Guar COIs < valn mort (esp if i_guar = i_valn adn low/no fe loads)
- i_guar > i_valn
- any product features that lower GMPs
- Examples
- [t]V_NL = r*(PVFB(t) - P_NL*adue(x+t)
- PVFB(t) - PV based on project of policy funds using policy guarantees where initial value is max(actual fund, GMF)
- for CRVM - [t]V_NL reduced by r*EA_CRVM*adue(x+t)/adue(x)
- for monthly pay policies, DB incr monthly, for PV, use avg annual DB and continuous commutatoin functions
Fixed Prem UL
- key difference for fixed vs flexible premium
- GMP = gross prem
- EA adn rate of amort determined by plan of ins guaranteeed at issue
- r = 1
- to calc CRVM
- project future benefits on guar basis - take secondary guar into acct
- value benefits using valn mort and int
- subtract PV cuture CRVM net prems for plan of ins guar at issue
Secondary Guarantees
- provides teh PO a guar set of CVs, DB and/or mat benefits regardless of fund performance
- 1995 valn model reg - if secondary guarantee keeps policy in force 5+ years, reserves = form implied by secondary guar
Off Anniversary Reserves
- UL Model Reg defined terminal , but not off-anniv
- issues
- r - should it be as of valn date, prior or next anniv
- how to calc GMF on valn date if r is calced on valn date
- use first priciples or mean/mid-terminal/interpolated reserve
- generally considered appropriate to calc r as of valn date
- use annual GMPs or GMPs consistent w/ planned prem mode? - be consistent w/ reserve method used
- advantage if using first principles - avoid net def and unearned prems
Possible Changes and California UL Regulation
- some resistance to change since UL tax reserves defined in terms of existnig UL Model Reg (UL-CRVM)
- if change, might need to calc using 2 different methods into the future
- Guaranteed Maturity Premium Method (GMP Method)
- Calc GMP, GMF, r
- [t]V_GMP = r*[t]V_CRVM where [t]V_CRVM is reserve for traditional CRVM based product (perm ins w/ mat date = latest possible date under UL plan)
- if Fund(t) <= GMF(t) then (above)
- else [t]V_GMP = [t]V_CRVM + Fund(t) - GMF(t) (if Fund(t) > GMF(t))
- if r < 1, this generates save value as model reg
- if r > 1, felt this is a reasonable approx for most products
- California Method (1991 for 1992+ issues)
- simmilar to UL model reg exept valn i <= credited rate guar in contract or alt reserve = mean(CV,fund value)
- NY147 (1994) - allows CA method as elective alt basis for UL reserves
- SVL - reserves >= min aggregate amt req'd by state statement if filed, therefore if filing in CA, need to test for this
- even if use CA reserve, need model reg calc for tax reserves
Minimum vs Adequate Reserves
- using CV as reserve for flex prem UL can effectively defer losses to later years
- CV can become > CRVM reserves once SC wear off
- renewal losses can occurr when CV increases not supportable by the gross prem
- this would fall under unusal CSV provision of Model Reg of Trad, but UL is specifically exempt
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