Valuation of Life Insurance Liabilities - Chapter 5 - VALUATION OF ANNUITIES
- Commissioners Annuity Reserve Valuation Method (CARVM) - 1976 amendments
- Vx = greatest excess of PV @ valn date of future guar benefits @ end of each contract year over PV future considerations from future gross considerations
- many companies slow to adopt CARVM and held more conservative reserves
- tax law changed to say use CARVM as methodology for FPTR
- cos forced to implement at that point
Basic Application of CARVM to SPDAs
- project fund balcne forward at guar basis in policy, then calc all future benfits guar under policy
- take PV of all these possible benefit streams
- subtract out PV required considerations
- considered a "worst case" valn method
- ususually possible to determine which benefit produces the greatest PV eliminating most paths
- accumulation phase uses policy guarantees
- how to determine which dur will produce largest PV (for SPDA)
- if guar annuity purchase rates less liberal thatn valn basis and CSV used to calc guar annuity payments, future guar annuity payments will never be used in CARVM b/c PV(future annuity pmts) < CV @ annuitization
- if contract has no SC, guar fund accum rate < i_valn, then CV @ valn date is largest CV
- if contract has no SC, guar fund accum rate > i_valn for n years after valn, CV @ last year i_guar > i_valn
- if contract has no SC, guar fund accum rate always > i_valn , CV @ latest mat date
- if SC, combined effect of i_guar & reduction in SC > i_valn for n years, CV @ end of year n
- if this is ignored @ product design, might have to do complete CARVM w/ each valn
- Mid-Policy Year Values and Continuous CARVM
- projecting 1 more day causes cash values to jump b/c of SC changing day after valn
- CARVM specifically state EOY
- NY reg states any point during year aka Continuous CARVM
- other states now following NY example
Common Product Features
- Contingent Benefits (not elected by annuitant)
- Death Benefits in Excess of CSV
- such as SC waived at death or min DB = sum(prems paid)
- AG33 - each benefit be considered in calc of CARVM Vx
- in practice - DB reserve calsed as an add-on as PV excess DB over CSV
- common approx - mort Vx = sum(PV(DB-CSV)) @ valn int and mort
- more exact - only do above calc to policy year w/ largest CARVM reserve
- Nursing Home Waiver
- SC waived if annuitant enters nursing home
- reserved similar to DV but using q_nursinghome instead of q_valn
- Bailout Provisions
- surrender charge waived if i_credited fall more than a specified amt below initial rate
- if bailout provision is in effect, SC s/b ignored for CARVM
- AG13 - 1985 - can't include "significant" contingent SC in CARVM calc
- NY126 - Vx if contract as significant SC = max(a,d) where
- a = fund @ valn w/o SC
- b = CARVM reserve w/o SC
- "signficant" SC - SC% > i_guar
- Market Value Adjustments (MVAs)
- MVAs expressed as formulas
- questions
- should MVAs be include in CV calc @ valn if operable
- possible future MVAs, shoudl they be taken into account
- if assets in general account, ignore MVAs in CARVM calc since GA assets not revalued under SAP
- Modified Guar Annuity Reg - MVA annuity assets s/b in sep account
- min Vx - CSV including MVA effect
- NY127 has specific definitions
- max(a,b) where a = CSV @ valn including MVA and b = PV guar contract benefits
- where PV(b) - i =
- annual mkt yeild S/A assets - inv expenses - 2.5% for junk - 0.25% PADs
- Moody's Corp Bond Yield Avg (month - 1)
- if assets held at book, max(a,b) where
- a = CSV @ valn excluding MVA and b = PV guaranteed benefits assuming "B" type contract
- Free Partial Withdrawals (FPWs)
- PO can w/d % of fund w/o SC
- sometimes limited to x days after anniversary
- need to reflect this free % in actual SC
- for valn, two approaches
- aggregate - adjust SC% (ie 5% SC adjusted to 5.0% - 0.5%free = 4.5%)
- seriatim - test each and every partial w/d that could be made
- some state ins depts have taken issue w/ aggregate approach and require seriatim
- Annuity Purchase Rates
- often purchase rate incentives to encourage annuitization
- purchase rates more favorable than guarantees
- typically use current rates which are more favorable than guarantees
- discontinuities in CARVM reserve
- AG33 - if co guarantees that PO can annuitize @ then current rates, then CARVM Vx >= 93% of contracts fund value @ valn
- waiver of SC
- take into account when valuing
- often limited to 10 yr+ options
- two-tiered interest credits
- one fund for nonf values and DB
- one for for annuitization (and possibly DB)
- second fund typically has higher int rate
- first fund used for CARVM CVs
- second fund for CARVM annuity purchase funds
- if 93% rule in effect, then it is used against second fund
- Interest Index
- if indexed - NAIC Int-indexed Model Reg says
- future int crediting rates = stat int rate for contracts defined in SVL
- if actuarial opinion not filed, a 115% rule is in effect
- reg not adopted by all states
- most cos ignore indexing unless in effect @ valn
- except to extent CFT indicated need for additional reserves
Practical Considerations in Calculation of CARVM Reserves
- Calendar Year Valuations
- same basic principles apply
- even though cal year, fund balances need to be accum to end of policy year
- some co's calc CARVM @ end of next policy year and discount back
- Current Cash Values
- NAIC blank requires max(CV, CARVM Vx)
- even though CARVM doesnt specify off anniv CVs, it is necessary b/c of this
- when comparing CV vx CARVM, CARVM needs to include any DB reserve
- Grouping Methods
- common and accepted to calc Vx on a group basis (vs seriatim)
- assume groups of policies occur mid-year (unless known skewing)
- SVL says OK
- may not be appropriate for two-tiered or toher complicated product designs
- Change-in-fund Valuation Basis
- SVL allows either issue-year or change-in-fund basis for PVFB calc
- issue year basis - i_valn determined based on issue date of policy
- change-in-fund basis - different discount rate depending on when increase in funds occured. Looks like IYM
- AG33 - election of method @ issuance of contract and cant' be changed w/o written approval of ins commissioner
Annual Premium Annuities under CARVM
- same basic principles apply
- difference - PV appropriate future "valuation considerations" is subtracted from PV of each of the future benefits
- "valuation considerations" - portions of teh respective gross considerations applied under the contract
- not as easy to "analytically" determine where CARVM reserve will be, therefore lots of calcs
Flexible Premium Annuities Under CARVM
- since prems flexible, they aren't "req'd by the terms of such contract"
- reserved as SPDAs
- if contract has no SC, guar fund accum rate > i_valn for n years after valn, CV @ last year i_guar > i_valn
- Valn Actuary should still use judgement
Immediate Annuities
- generally no problem under CARVM
- AG9 and AG9B define Immediate Annuity
- 1st payment due not more than 13 mos from issue date
- suceeding payments at least annually for at least 5 years
- pattern of payments due in any contract year not > 115% of those in prior contract year
- can value annuity as settlement option or annuitized DA using immediate annuity rate from original contract issue or current rate
- AG9A and AG9B have special guidelines for structured settlements
Determination of Appropriate Int Rates under SVL
- 80 amendments introduced annuity valn int rate categories
- SPIAs and annuity benefits w/ life cont arising from other annuities w/ cash settlement options and GICS w/ cash settlement options
- Other ANnuities
- whether or not policy offers cash settlement options
- issue year or change-in-fund basis
- whether or not policy contains future int guarantees applicable to future considerations (future > 1 year off)
- w/ cash settlement options - # years int guar in excess of long life rates (guarantee duration)
- and w/o cash settlement option - # years from purchase date to 1st payment date
- plan type
- A) at any time the PO may w/d funds only
- 1) w/ adjustment to reflect i or assets values changes since reciept of funds
- 2) w/o adjustment, but in installments over 5+ years
- 3) immediate life annuity
- 4) no w/d permitted
- B) Before expiriation of int rate guarantee, PO may w/d funds
- 1) same as a1)
- 2) same as a2)
- 3) no w/d permitted
- at end of int rate guar, funds may be w/d w/o such adjustment in single sum or installments < 5 years
- C) before expiration of int rate guarantees, PO may w/d funds in single sum or installments < 5 years
- 1) w/o adjustments to reflect i or asset value changes since reciept of funds
- 2) subject only to fixes surrender charge stipulated in contract as % of fund
- AG33 - different benefits under SPDA may be valued assuming different plan types
- defines guarantee duration as # years from contract issue to date of annuitization
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